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Brand & Print

The goal of this project was to design an experience that inspires children and adults to reuse materials and create resourcefully. 

The end result is a puzzle made with sun print paper (a paper that reacts to sunlight) and objects that have been forgotten over time. This puzzle is a reminder of how objects can be recycled for creative use and have new meaning. This project not only offers a puzzle, but also a sun print kit to encourage others to try the printing process with ordinary, unused objects. 

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I have the questionable habit of collecting random objects (my husband calls it my junk treasures) at creative reuse stores, the beach, or on walks where I have taken a wrong turn. I playfully arranged these objects on top of the sun print paper in a random fashion. When the puzzle is put together, the composition is made of words that don't make sense next to each other, illustrating the experience of boredom, and the random encounters you may have when wandering aimlessly. 

It took several steps of trial and error before I achieved the final puzzle pieces. Turns out that working with the sun is a tricky collaboration that required me to consider the time of day's influence on the shadows cast by the object on the paper. 

The puzzle is packaged in a box designed with an identity system that shares the same DNA as the puzzle as it is made with found objects. The colors mirror those of the sun print paper in the puzzle; likewise, the type treatment of the brand name is made with a combination of found letters from old signs and objects. The design system is made with very limited, physical tools to inspire others to reconnect with the tactile world for creative projects. 


The packaging contains the Forgotten puzzle, a sun print kit, and a tote bag intended for collecting materials in the near environment, wherever that may be, and explore how to empower these objects with new meaning. 

A humbling tool.

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