Brand Designer
Logo, brand toolkit, packaging
Adobe Creative Suite
Oatly Rebrand
Cows have had enough. Humans are drinking tons of cow milk around the world, and enough is enough. Cows are on strike, urging humans to drink Oatly, the delicious, creamy, plant based, milk alternative. Get your hands on some Oatly and off the cow teat.
Brand design for Oatly oat milk that tells a new story through color, typography and illustration. Brand design is then applied in a packaging system of various flavors.
I tend to lean on my background in art history to research visual directions and inspirations. The concept Cows On Strike led me to go back to protest art. I especially narrowed it down to women’s rights protest and activist art, which would inform the visual treatment of the new Oatly identity design. I would then explore how to contxtualize the visual treatment to fit the female cow’s point of view.
The iteration process to this solution was chockfull of playful experimentations that push the Cows on Strike concept forward. Part of the iterations only use type as a visual narrative tool, while others implement type and image.