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Philo Culture Book

Brand Designer


500 printed books

Figma, Adobe Creative Suite


Philo is a TV streaming startup, based in San Francisco, led by one of the Facebook founders, Andrew McCollum. During my first year at the company (2023), I had the chance to work with  Andrew  on the Philo culture book. What’s a culture book? In this case, it’s an assemblage of the company’s history, milestones, traditions, quirky inside jokes, and distinct stories about individual Philons and departments. We spent a few months working on gathering content through old Slack threads and people who have been at Philo since the beginning. As a somewhat new Philon, this was simultaneously a great opportunity for me to quickly connect with the company and culture, and a unique challenge to visually communicate the Philo story as authentically as possible.

I designed the spreads to be like matching mixed-patterns — each story/vignette has its own intentional visual and graphic treatment that works with the book’s visual identity at large. This approach was to express the rich and diverse culture at Philo. The cover, on the other hand, is more understated, a nod to the company’s humble posture in the streaming landscape.

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